Sunday, September 2, 2012


The folks at Trifecta have thrown down the gauntlet once again this weekend: a three word challenge! I like it! Take a look.

"Robert Frost once said, "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." We want you to do the same. Sum up anything you want, but do it in three words. Your response should mirror Frost's quote by beginning, "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about--." And the last four words are yours to choose."

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about worrying: it wastes time.


  1. So very true!

    I need to convince my brain of this.

    1. So do I, Tracie, believe me.
      Knowing it is true and always being able to act as though it is true are not the same thing! But I'm working on it!
      Thanks for the lovely comment!

  2. Yep. My mother always told me that. She also said, the thing you worry about won't happen and something else will happen that you didn't even think about. So what's the point? Great take!

    1. Thanks, Lumdog! Now if only I could remember this all the time!

  3. Even beyond this being a great response to the prompt,this is something I'm going to try and carry with me.
    Great great line!

  4. Amen. I should really post that somewhere, as a mantra. Excellent.

  5. It does, doesn't it? The worst is how much time we waste worrying about what cannot even be changed! Ugh. Like going over a conversation, and fretting over what should have been said, endless hours of lost sleep... Sigh.

    1. So many hours...I wish that knowing it was true made it easier not to do!
      Thanks, Marie Nicole.

  6. Please read your entry to my brain. It knows no worrying bounds. Good one. :)

  7. Yeah, it does. I'm irritated with myself because I choose to do it anyway.

  8. True dat. Sometimes, I've found myself in a worrying situation, so I forced myself to calm down (and succeeded). But then I just didn't know what to do with myself!

    1. Those are the best moments, aren't't they! Deep breathing works magic!

  9. So true! I'm a worry-er by birth, so I really need to chill out a little bit!

  10. So true :) The problem is that even though most of us know this we still do it anyway :D
